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Project Management

Management Project Management What is Project Management? Project management is the art of closely coupling tasks with actions, managing budget and schedule quality to ensure there are no problems with overages or slippages, and, ensuring that clients are getting their expected return on investment regarding the project’s agreed deliverables. Why PM? Enables controlled, step-by-step progress Control of requirement delivery Reduction of politics and bias Emphasis on transparency Protect investment Why PM?


Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Wisdom of the Masses You have a sudden thought, search the Internet for a quick answer, and get a reasonable one. And that’s not because some guru is standing by 24x7. Rather, since the dawn of the Internet, large numbers of people have asked and received answers to a multitude of questions. Their collective ideas make up the “wisdom of the masses”. Wisdom of eSolia Typical Support Flows Mail or Phone Support Confirmation and Triage Internal Database Search Troubleshooting, Direct or Remote Data Collection Results Documentation Typical Support Flows

Office Moves

Office Moves Telephone Security Sleepless Nights before an Office Move Moves are physically and mentally demanding, office moves even more so, and then add in an office move in Japan and it’s a recipe for stress. Just take a look around and it will become apparent. It’s not just about desks, files and office supplies; it’s also about coordinating the moves of all the PCs, monitors, printers and other equipment, so you can see that it might feel overwhelming.

Home Computer Setup

PROdb Cloud Database Expat Home Setup A Stranger in a Strange Land? If you’re new to Japan and its language, or even if you’re simply not so confident about dealing with Japan telecomm carriers or your building superintendent, eSolia’s bilingual IT professionals can help get you sorted. We have been in business since 1999, and can help you with any computer-related tasks at your new home in Japan. eSolia Home Computer System Services Be Prepared: Software installers Software license numbers Any needed passwords Data is backed up Be Prepared:

Telephone Systems

Office Moves Telephone Security Business Telephone Systems Process Document current vs future Agree configuration and project scope Quotes and Contracting Orders and Configuration Site Installation Training Maintenance Process Document current vs future Agree configuration and project scope Quotes and Contracting Orders and Configuration Site Installation Training Maintenance Isn’t it Time? …that you seriously considered replacing your aging and old-fashioned PBX? If you are in the market for a new Telephone or IP PBX System or have interest in “Voice Over IP” thinking about the benefits of something like Skype or Google Voice, eSolia will implement a modern telephone system for you: a full-featured, IP PBX or Unified Communications system.

Process Management

Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Double-edged IT If one uses IT efficiently, one can utilize the basic nature of IT freely, and leverage that to receive immeasurable benefits. However, if misunderstood, IT can be a double-edged sword, increasing work and even decreasing efficiency. To use it effectively, there’s no need to try to handle everything internally. In fact, say goodbye to fear of processes, and leave your process management to eSolia!

Japan J-ALERT Emergency Broadcast System

Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Japan Emergency Numbers Japan Apps J-ALERT System What is J-ALERT? J-ALERT is Japan’s emergency broadcast system launched in 2004, used to quickly and automatically disseminate information from the government to the public via satellite and an array of equipment set up nationwide, in cases of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami or floods, or attacks on Japan such as missile launches. How does the system work?

IT Management for Planned Power Outages

Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Planned Power Outage IT Management IT Disposal and Recycling A Japan Regulatory Requirement Japan’s fire code requires buildings over a certain size to be inspected annually, and this always includes a power cycle requirement. Typically, the power is taken down by the building sometime on Friday night or Saturday morning, and is restored again on Sunday. It’s necessary for IT to be involved for all but the smallest systems, to make sure computer systems are properly shut down, then powered up and tested after the outage.


Office Moves Telephone Security What’s “Infrastructure” From Server Room to Walls and Floors Electricity, Phone, LAN Cable Network Switch, Router Upgrades Server Design and Settings Virtualization HVAC and Office Furnishings From Server Room to Walls and Floors Electricity, Phone, LAN Cable Network Switch, Router Upgrades Server Design and Settings Virtualization HVAC and Office Furnishings Companies define “infrastructure” differently, but mostly it includes all the basics from the facility to the network and servers, that make an IT system work.

PROdb Cloud Database

PROdb Cloud Database Expat Home Setup Still Running on Spreadsheets? If you’re still running your business on spreadsheets, perhaps you’ve noticed that consolidations or reconciliations can get rather complex and error-prone. If the cost and time of converting a spreadsheet to a proper database has put you off in the past, please consider having us convert your sheets into our flexible and professionally-run cloud database, PROdb. Benefits Pay-as-you-go Pricing Speedy Development Near-real-time Changes Quick Problem Resolution Worldwide Availability Benefits

Effective Training

Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Training is the Best Investment eSolia delivers training to help our clients maximize their technology investment, increase productivity, reduce support costs and motivate employees. Booking Process Agree requirements, any customization New contract, or, agree scope under existing contract Preparation Training Delivery Training Followup Booking Process Agree requirements, any customization New contract, or, agree scope under existing contract Preparation Training Delivery Training Followup Although most training courses comprise similar basic elements, not all training is the same.


Office Moves Telephone Security Introduction In the case of a large company, a security program is almost surely in place already, so eSolia can act as your “eyes and ears” on the ground in Japan, to audit, and carry out the wishes of HQ IT. A small firm or SME is more likely to need a security program implemented, and that is where we can really help. Security Assessment eSolia can assess and implement a comprehensive or partial security program across a wide range of aspects of daily security.

Website Design

Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Your Website Design is Integral to Your Business Or, at least it should be. When you launch a website, it should actively market to help your business grow, and not just act as a static brochure. The benefits of a well-designed website are enormous, but the primary goal of a site launch is to make a fantastic first impression immediately to visitors, with the perfect tone.


Helpdesk On-site Process Training Website Localization Really? A Machine Translation? If you are considering or performing a localization of an application, website or documents for the Japan market, you must understand that machine translation still produces comically bad results. In addition, having a non-native speaker who speaks a little Japanese give their seal of approval is, well, not so meaningful and even damaging to your reputation. Your Japanese prospects will laugh at your attempt, and then move on.